LECTURE: 13th Gear Quarterly Lecture

13th GEAR Roger Farmer

Our 13th GEAR Quarterly lecture will be held on 19 March 2025, 2:00-3:30 pm GMT in Edith Morley G25, and our speaker is Professor Roger Farmer, University of Warwick and UCLA. His talk, entitled “Monetary and Fiscal Policy with Finite Lives”, is based on a joint paper with Pawel Zabczyk (IMF).

As usual, the lecture will be synchronously recorded and available for viewing ex post from the University of Reading’s Research YouTube channel. You can find links to all previous GEAR QL recordings via the GEAR QL webpage. By tradition, it is a hybrid event and here is the MS Teams link to join – but do try to come in person!

Right after the lecture everyone is invited to a drinks reception: from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in EM G25 again.

The lecture is free to attend, online or in person, but if you come in person please send an e-mail to register your interest to Rachel Tregidgo at r.a.tregidgo@reading.ac.uk

Note that the lecture starts at 2:00 pm, but the slot is booked on MS Teams half an hour earlier for technical set-up reasons.

(Poster- pdf)