Money, Macro and Finance  

Money, Macro and Finance

Cambridge University


Summary of All Sessions

Click here for an index of all participants

1September 1, 2021
invited Welcome: Leonardo Felli, Chair of the Faculty of Economics, Cambridge.

    Location: Plenary Room

2September 1, 2021
invited Keynote Lecture I: Sydney Ludvigson "Markets and Monetary Policy".

    Location: Plenary Room

3September 1, 2021
invited Special Session Bank of England: Global Spillovers, Monetary and Macroprudential Policies

    Location: Parallel room 1

4September 1, 2021
contributed Covid-19 I

    Location: Parallel room 2

5September 1, 2021
contributed Monetary Policy I

    Location: Parallel room 3

6September 1, 2021
contributed Allocation, Misallocation I

    Location: Parallel room 4

7September 1, 2021
contributed Financial Markets I

    Location: Parallel room 5

8September 1, 2021
contributed Security Markets

    Location: Parallel room 6

9September 1, 2021
contributed Business and Labour Productivity

    Location: Parallel room 1

10September 1, 2021
contributed Business Cycles, Shocks and Bubbles I

    Location: Parallel room 2

11September 1, 2021
contributed Micro-finance and Asset-pricing

    Location: Parallel room 3

12September 1, 2021
contributed Monetary Policy II

    Location: Parallel room 4

13September 1, 2021
contributed Monetary Policy: Shocks and Crises

    Location: Parallel room 5

14September 1, 2021
contributed Quantitative Easing and Money Creation

    Location: Parallel room 6

15September 1, 2021
contributed Quantitative Methods

    Location: Parallel room 7

16September 1, 2021
contributed Unconventional Monetary Policy

    Location: Parallel room 8

17September 2, 2021
contributed Aspects of Fiscal Policy

    Location: Parallel room 1

18September 2, 2021
contributed Credit

    Location: Parallel room 2

19September 2, 2021
contributed Currencies, Capital Account & Capital Controls

    Location: Parallel room 3

20September 2, 2021
contributed European Monetary Union

    Location: Parallel room 4

21September 2, 2021
contributed Exchange Rates

    Location: Parallel room 5

22September 2, 2021
contributed Financial Markets II

    Location: Parallel room 6

23September 2, 2021
contributed Fiscal Policy I

    Location: Parallel room 7

24September 2, 2021
contributed Firm Dynamics

    Location: Parallel room 1

25September 2, 2021
contributed Fiscal Policy II

    Location: Parallel room 2

26September 2, 2021
contributed Forward Guidance and Targeting

    Location: Parallel room 3

27September 2, 2021
contributed Government Policy

    Location: Parallel room 4

28September 2, 2021
contributed Housing

    Location: Parallel room 5

29September 2, 2021
contributed Uncertainty, Anxiety and Expectations

    Location: Parallel room 6

30September 2, 2021
invited Keynote Lecture II: Jordi Gali "The New Keynesian Perspective on Economic Fluctuations"

    Location: Plenary Room

31September 2, 2021
invited Special Session: Informational Frictions in DSGE Models

    Location: Parallel room 1

32September 2, 2021
contributed Crypto-currency and Monetary Policy

    Location: Parallel room 2

33September 2, 2021
contributed Exports, Trade and Investment

    Location: Parallel room 3

34September 2, 2021
contributed Fiscal Policy III

    Location: Parallel room 4

35September 2, 2021
contributed Interest Rates

    Location: Parallel room 5

36September 2, 2021
contributed Managing Risk

    Location: Parallel room 6

37September 2, 2021
contributed Monetary Policy III

    Location: Parallel room 7

38September 2, 2021
contributed Wealth and Labour Market Inequalities

    Location: Parallel room 8

39September 2, 2021
invited Charles Goodhart Keynote Lecture III: Linda Goldberg "Volatile International Capital Flows"

    Location: Plenary Room

40September 2, 2021
contributed Covid-19 II

    Location: Parallel room 1

41September 2, 2021
contributed Economic Modelling I

    Location: Parallel room 2

42September 2, 2021
contributed Financial Markets III

    Location: Parallel room 3

43September 2, 2021
contributed Financial Markets IV

    Location: Parallel room 4

44September 2, 2021
contributed FOMC, Announcements and Monetary Policy

    Location: Parallel room 5

45September 2, 2021
contributed Labour Markets

    Location: Parallel room 6

46September 2, 2021
contributed Income Inequality

    Location: Parallel room 7

47September 3, 2021
contributed Economic Modelling II

    Location: Parallel room 1

48September 3, 2021
contributed European Central Bank

    Location: Parallel room 2

49September 3, 2021
contributed Inflation Expectations

    Location: Parallel room 3

50September 3, 2021
contributed Macro-prudential Policy

    Location: Parallel room 4

51September 3, 2021
contributed Monetary Policy IV

    Location: Parallel room 5

52September 3, 2021
contributed Optimal Monetary Policy

    Location: Parallel room 6

53September 3, 2021
contributed Regulation

    Location: Parallel room 7

54September 3, 2021
invited Keynote Lecture IV: Marcel Fratzscher: "Prospects for the economic recovery from the pandemic and implications for macroeconomics and social policies"

    Location: Plenary Room

55September 3, 2021
contributed Allocation, Misallocation II

    Location: Parallel room 1

56September 3, 2021
contributed Business Cycles, Shocks and Bubbles II

    Location: Parallel room 2

57September 3, 2021
contributed Global Dynamics

    Location: Parallel room 3

58September 3, 2021
contributed Bank Lending

    Location: Parallel room 4

59September 3, 2021
contributed Business Cycles, Shocks and Bubbles III

    Location: Parallel room 5

60September 3, 2021
contributed Climate Change and Monetary Policy

    Location: Parallel room 6

61September 3, 2021
contributed Inflation Targeting

    Location: Parallel room 7

62September 3, 2021
contributed Uncertainty Shocks

    Location: Parallel room 8

63September 3, 2021
invited Harry Johnson Keynote Lecture V: Olivier Blanchard "Fiscal Policy Under Low Rates"

    Location: Plenary room


63 sessions, 223 papers


Money, Macro and Finance

Detailed List of Sessions

Session 1: Welcome: Leonardo Felli, Chair of the Faculty of Economics, Cambridge.
September 1, 2021 13:45 to 14:00
Location: Plenary Room
Session Chair: Paul Mizen, University of Nottingham
Session type: invited
Session 2: Keynote Lecture I: Sydney Ludvigson "Markets and Monetary Policy".
September 1, 2021 14:00 to 15:00
Location: Plenary Room
Session Chair: Paul Mizen, University of Nottingham
Session type: invited
Session 3: Special Session Bank of England: Global Spillovers, Monetary and Macroprudential Policies
September 1, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: James Talbot, Bank of England
Session type: invited

1. Global Vulnerabilities, Domestic Risks: The Global Drivers of GDP-at-Risk
By Ed Manuel; Bank of England
Simon Lloyd; Bank of England
Konstantin Panchev; University of Oxford
   presented by: Ed Manuel, Bank of England

2. Global Value Chains and the dynamics of UK Inflation
By Tommaso Aquilante; Bank of England
Aydan Dogan; Bank of England
Melih Firat; Johns Hopkins University
   presented by: Aydan Dogan, Bank of England

3. Capital Controls and Free Trade Agreements
By Emile Marin; University of Cambridge
Simon Lloyd; Bank of England
   presented by: Simon Lloyd, Bank of England
   Discussant:   Laura Alfaro, Harvard Business School
Session 4: Covid-19 I
September 1, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Magdalyn Okolo, University of Bath
Session type: contributed

1. A new macro-financial condition index for the euro area
By Claudio Morana; University Milano Bicocca
   presented by: Claudio Morana, University Milano Bicocca

2. Un-used Bank Capital Buffers and Credit Supply Shocks at SMEs during the Pandemic
By Arun Gupta; Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Jose Berrospide; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Matthew Seay; Federal Reserve Board of Governors
   presented by: Arun Gupta, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

3. Economic support during the Covid crisis. Quantitative Easing and Lending Support Schemes in the UK
By Mahmoud Fatouh; Bank of England
Simone Giansante; University of Bath
   presented by: Simone Giansante, University of Bath

4. Modelling the Differing Impacts of Covid-19 in the UK Labour Market
By Chris Martin; University of Bath
Magdalyn Okolo; University of Bath
   presented by: Magdalyn Okolo, University of Bath
Session 5: Monetary Policy I
September 1, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Cristiano Cantore, Bank of England
Session type: contributed

1. Monetary Policy and the Wage Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff
By Ricardo Duque Gabriel; University of Bonn
   presented by: Ricardo Duque Gabriel, University of Bonn

2. Monetary Policy, Sectoral Comovement and the Credit Channel
By Federico Di Pace; Bank of England
Christoph Gortz; Economics
   presented by: Federico Di Pace, Bank of England

3. Monetary Policy and Payment-to-Income Limits in Liquidity Traps
By Alessandro Lin; Brown University
   presented by: Alessandro Lin, Brown University

4. A tail of labor supply and a tale of monetary policy
By Cristiano Cantore; Bank of England
filippo ferroni; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Haroon Mumtaz; Queen Mary, University of London
Angeliki Theophilopoulou; Brunel University
   presented by: Cristiano Cantore, Bank of England
Session 6: Allocation, Misallocation I
September 1, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Evangelina Dardati, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Session type: contributed

1. Constrained-Efficient Capital Reallocation
By Andrea Lanteri; Duke University
Adriano Rampini; Duke University
   presented by: Andrea Lanteri, Duke University

2. Shrinking Boundary of the Invisible Hand
By Dan Su; University of Minnesota
   presented by: Dan Su, University of Minnesota

3. Risk-Taking, Capital Allocation and Optimal Monetary Policy
By Joel David; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
David Zeke; University of Southern California
   presented by: Joel David, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

4. Welfare effects of capital controls
By Eugenia Andreasen; University of Chile
Sofia Bauducco; Central Bank of Chile
Evangelina Dardati; Universidad Alberto Hurtado
   presented by: Evangelina Dardati, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Session 7: Financial Markets I
September 1, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Lijie Yu, The University of Manchester
Session type: contributed

1. Credit Supply Driven Boom-Bust Cycles
By Yavuz Arslan; Bank for International Settlements
Bulent Guler; Indiana University Bloomington
Burhanettin Kuruscu; University of Toronto
   presented by: Yavuz Arslan, Bank for International Settlements

2. Risky Financial Collateral, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Impact of Eligibility Requirements
By Matthias Kaldorf; University of Cologne
Florian Wicknig; University of Cologne
   presented by: Florian Wicknig, University of Cologne

3. Financial Stress and Asset Prices
By Xiaoyu Zong; Heriot-watt University
   presented by: Xiaoyu Zong, Heriot-watt University

4. Born after the Volcker Rule: regulatory change, managerial remuneration and hedge fund performance
By Lijie Yu; The University of Manchester
   presented by: Lijie Yu, The University of Manchester
Session 8: Security Markets
September 1, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Olga Kolokolova, University of Manchester
Session type: contributed

1. Economic Uncertainty: Mispricing and Ambiguity Premium
By Charlie Cai; University of Liverpool Management School
Semih Kerestecioglu; University of Liverpool
Xi Fu; University of Liverpool
   presented by: Charlie Cai, University of Liverpool Management School

2. Perfect Withdrawal in a Noisy World: Investing Lessons with and without Annuities while in Drawdown between 2000 and 2019
By Andrew Clare; Faculty of Finance
James Seaton; City University, London
Peter Smith; University of York
Stephen Thomas
   presented by: Peter Smith, University of York

3. Common and idiosyncratic movements in Latin-American Exchange Rates
By Fredy Gamboa-Estrada; Banco de la Republica
Jose Romero; Banco de la República
   presented by: Fredy Gamboa-Estrada, Banco de la Republica

4. Do Hedge Funds Still Manipulate Stock Prices?
By Xinyu Cui; University of Manchester
Olga Kolokolova; University of Manchester
   presented by: Olga Kolokolova, University of Manchester
Session 9: Business and Labour Productivity
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Do Lee, New York University
Session type: contributed

1. Productivity Gains from Labor Outsourcing: The Role of Trade Secrets
By Gorkem Bostanci; University of Pennsylvania
   presented by: Gorkem Bostanci, University of Pennsylvania

2. Financial Frictions, International Trade, and their Impact on Labour Productivity
By Susanne Karbe; Durham University
   presented by: Susanne Karbe, Durham University

3. A Long-Run Productivity Risks Driving q-Factor Model
By Zhiting Wu; University of St Andrews
   presented by: Zhiting Wu, University of St Andrews

4. Small and Vulnerable: Small Firm Productivity in the Great Productivity Slowdown
By Sophia Chen; International Monetary Fund
Do Lee; New York University
   presented by: Do Lee, New York University
Session 10: Business Cycles, Shocks and Bubbles I
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Emile Marin, University of Cambridge
Session type: contributed

1. Rational Bubbles in Non-Linear Business Cycle Models: Closed and Open Economies
By Robert Kollmann; Universite Libre de Bruxelles & CEPR
   presented by: Robert Kollmann, Universite Libre de Bruxelles & CEPR

2. Asset Price Bubbles and Monetary Policy: Deflate the bubble?
By Arthur Galichere; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Arthur Galichere, University of Glasgow

3. The China Shock, Market Concentration and the U.S. Phillips Curve
By Melih Firat; Johns Hopkins University
   presented by: Melih Firat, Johns Hopkins University

4. Exchange Rate Risk and Business Cycles
By Emile Marin; University of Cambridge
Simon Lloyd; Bank of England
   presented by: Emile Marin, University of Cambridge
Session 11: Micro-finance and Asset-pricing
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Alexandra Varadi, Bank of England
Session type: contributed

1. Asset Pricing with Daily Shopper Spending
By Jialu Shen; University of Missouri
   presented by: Jialu Shen, University of Missouri

2. A Macro-Finance model with Realistic Crisis Dynamics
By Goutham Gopalakrishna; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
   presented by: Goutham Gopalakrishna, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

3. The Nonfinancial Value of Financial Firms
By Yu Shi; UCLA Anderson
   presented by: Yu Shi, UCLA Anderson

4. Identifying the Transmission Channels of Credit Supply Shocks to Household Debt: Price and Non-price Effects
By Alexandra Varadi; Bank of England
   presented by: Alexandra Varadi, Bank of England
Session 12: Monetary Policy II
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Eunkyung Lee, University of Manchester
Session type: contributed

1. The Deflationary Bias of the ZLB and the FED’s Strategic Response
By Adrian Penalver; Banque de France, PSE
   presented by: Adrian Penalver, Banque de France, PSE

2. Liquidity and Safety over the Business Cycle
By Andrea Ferrero; University of Oxford
Alexander Haas; University of Oxford
   presented by: Alexander Haas, University of Oxford

3. Monetary policy surprises and their transmission through term premia and expected interest rates
By Iryna Kaminska; Bank of England
Haroon Mumtaz; Queen Mary, University of London
Roman Sustek; Queen and Mary University of London
   presented by: Iryna Kaminska, Bank of England

4. Monetary Policy Transmission through the Refinancing of Firms Bank Debt
By Eunkyung Lee; University of Manchester
   presented by: Eunkyung Lee, University of Manchester
Session 13: Monetary Policy: Shocks and Crises
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Yasin Mimir, Norges Bank
Session type: contributed

1. Booms, Banking Crises, and Monetary Policy
By Joël Marbet; CEMFI
   presented by: Joël Marbet, CEMFI

2. Monetary policy shocks over the business cycle: Extending the Smooth Transition framework
By Martin Bruns; University of East Anglia
Michele Piffer; King's College London
   presented by: Michele Piffer, King's College London

3. Yield Curve Shocks as Monetary Policy Shocks: Identification and Information Sufficiency
By Eric Olson; The University of Tulsa
Victor Valcarcel; University of Texas at Dallas
Mark Wohar; University of Nebraska at Omaha
   presented by: Eric Olson, The University of Tulsa

4. Leaning against Persistent Financial Cycles with Occasional Crises
By Yasin Mimir; Norges Bank
Thore Kockerols; Norges Bank
Erling Kravik; Norwegian Ministry of Finance
   presented by: Yasin Mimir, Norges Bank
Session 14: Quantitative Easing and Money Creation
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Ioana Neamtu, Bank of England
Session type: contributed

1. Monetary policy disconnect
By Benedikt Ballensiefen; University of St.Gallen and World Bank Group
Angelo Ranaldo; University of St. Gallen
Hannah Winterberg; University of St. Gallen and University of Maryland
   presented by: Hannah Winterberg, University of St. Gallen and University of Maryland

2. International Effects of Quantitative Easing and Foreign Reserve Accumulation
By Duhyeong Kim; University of Western Ontario
   presented by: Duhyeong Kim, University of Western Ontario

3. Should Banks Create Money?
By Christian Wipf
   presented by: Christian Wipf,

4. Risk-Taking and Uncertainty: Do CoCo Bonds Increase the Risk Appetite of Banks?
By Mahmoud Fatouh; Bank of England
Ioana Neamtu; Bank of England
Sweder van Wijnbergen; University of Amsterdam
   presented by: Ioana Neamtu, Bank of England
Session 15: Quantitative Methods
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 7
Session Chair: Tianxi Wang, University of Essex
Session type: contributed

1. Re-estimating Potential GDP: New Evidence on Output Hysteresis
By Diego Anzoategui; Rutgers University
Min Kim; Rutgers University
   presented by: Diego Anzoategui, Rutgers University

2. Identifying the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks Using Government Shutdowns: A Narrative Restrictions Approach
By Matija Lozej; European Central Bank
Laura Moretti; Central Bank of Ireland
   presented by: Matija Lozej, European Central Bank

3. Government Bonds, Bank Liquidity and Non-Neutrality of Monetary Policy in the Steady State
By Tianxi Wang; University of Essex
   presented by: Tianxi Wang, University of Essex
Session 16: Unconventional Monetary Policy
September 1, 2021 17:10 to 19:00
Location: Parallel room 8
Session Chair: Victor Valcarcel, University of Texas at Dallas
Session type: contributed

1. Asymmetric Macroeconomic Effects of QE-Induced Increases in Excess Reserves in a Monetary Union
By Maximilian Horst; Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Ulrike Neyer; Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Daniel Stempel; Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
   presented by: Maximilian Horst, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf

2. Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Search for Yield
By Alexandros Kontonikas; University of Essex
   presented by: Alexandros Kontonikas, University of Essex

3. The Financial Market Effects of Unwinding the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet∗
By Andrew Smith; Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Victor Valcarcel; University of Texas at Dallas
   presented by: Victor Valcarcel, University of Texas at Dallas
Session 17: Aspects of Fiscal Policy
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Iryna Stewen, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Session type: contributed

1. Fiscal decentralization, regional disparity, and the role of corruption
By Nupur Nirola; Vellore Institute of Technology-AP
   presented by: Nupur Nirola, Vellore Institute of Technology-AP

2. Present Bias and Public Debt
By Joost Roettger; Deutsche Bundesbank
   presented by: Joost Roettger, Deutsche Bundesbank

3. Support policies enacted during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis for small business: Evidence from club convergence clustering hypothesis
By Marco Chi Keung Lau; Teesside University
Dongna Zhang; Teesside University
Giray Gozgor; Istanbul Medeniyet University
   presented by: Marco Chi Keung Lau, Teesside University

4. Growing like Germany: Local public debt, local banks, low private investment
By Iryna Stewen; Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
   presented by: Iryna Stewen, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Session 18: Credit
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Marina Spaliara, University of Glasgow
Session type: contributed

1. Aggregate Implications of Credit Relationship Flows: A Tale of Two Margins
By Yasser Boualam; Kenan-Flagler Business School
Clément Mazet-Sonilhac; Sciences Po Paris, Banque de France
   presented by: Yasser Boualam, Kenan-Flagler Business School

2. Corporate credit booms, financial constraints, and the investment nexus
By Bruno Albuquerque; Bank of England
   presented by: Bruno Albuquerque, Bank of England

3. The Cyclicality of Bank Credit Losses and Capital Ratios under Expected Loss Model
By Mahmoud Fatouh; Bank of England
Simone Giansante; University of Bath
   presented by: Mahmoud Fatouh, Bank of England

4. Private equity buyouts, credit constraints, and firm exports
By Marina Spaliara; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Marina Spaliara, University of Glasgow
Session 19: Currencies, Capital Account & Capital Controls
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Tomas Kala, University of Hradec Kralove
Session type: contributed

1. The Effect of the China Connect
By Chang Ma; Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University
   presented by: Chang Ma, Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University

2. Firm heterogeneity and the Capital Market
By Tobias König; Humboldt University of Berlin, DIW Berlin
   presented by: Tobias König, Humboldt University of Berlin, DIW Berlin

3. Heterogenous impact of capital requirements on bank risk: Evidence from FAS 166/167
By Sonny Biswas; University of Bristol
Kostas Koufopoulos; University of York
Songshan Li; University of York
   presented by: Sonny Biswas, University of Bristol

4. The World MonMin Reference Currency
By Tomas Kala; University of Hradec Kralove
   presented by: Tomas Kala, University of Hradec Kralove
Session 20: European Monetary Union
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Jane Binner, University of Birmingham
Session type: contributed

1. Risk sharing in currency unions: The migration channel
By Susanne Wellmann; University of Tuebingen
Gernot Mueller; University of Tuebingen
Wilhelm Kohler; University of Tuebingen
   presented by: Wilhelm Kohler, University of Tuebingen

2. Completing the European Banking Union: Capital cost consequences for credit providers and corporate borrowers
By Michael Koetter; Halle Institute for Economic Research
Thomas Krause; Halle Institute for Economic Research
Eleonora Sfrappini; Halle Institute for Economic Research
Lena Tonzer; Halle Institute for Economic Research
   presented by: Michael Koetter, Halle Institute for Economic Research

3. Exits and Bailouts in a Monetary Union
By Michal Kobielarz; KU Leuven
   presented by: Michal Kobielarz, KU Leuven

4. The impact of policy and infectious disease uncertainty on the money market in UK, US and Euro area
By Jane Binner; University of Birmingham
Rakesh Bissoondeeal; Aston University
   presented by: Jane Binner, University of Birmingham
Session 21: Exchange Rates
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Sadettin Citci, Gebze Technical University
Session type: contributed

1. The Global Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy
By Riccardo Degasperi; University of Warwick
Seokki Hong; University of Warwick
Giovanni Ricco; University of Warwick
   presented by: Seokki Hong, University of Warwick

2. A Meta Model Analysis of Exchange Rate Determination
By Chrystalleni Aristidou; THE Univerity of Nottingham
Kevin Lee; University of Nottingham
Kalvinder Shields; University of Melbourne
   presented by: Kalvinder Shields, University of Melbourne

3. Currency Anomalies
By Sohnke Bartram; University of Warwick and CEPR
Leslie Djuranovik; University of Warwick
Anthony Garratt; University of Warwick
   presented by: Anthony Garratt, University of Warwick

4. Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Connectedness of Inflation: Theory and Evidence
By Sadettin Citci; Gebze Technical University
   presented by: Sadettin Citci, Gebze Technical University
Session 22: Financial Markets II
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Mariia Bondar, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Session type: contributed

1. Exports of Financial Services in the Internet Era
By Edoardo Chiarotti; The Graduate Institute, Geneva
   presented by: Edoardo Chiarotti, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

2. Dealing in the Dark: The Effects of Insider Trading on Dark Trading Venues
By Abdul Alfarhoud; The University of Manchester
Michael Bowe; University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School
S. Sarah Zhang; University of Manchester
   presented by: Abdul Alfarhoud, The University of Manchester

3. Can an AI agent hit a moving target?
By Aruhan Shi; University of Warwick
   presented by: Aruhan Shi, University of Warwick

4. Pricing Protest: The Response of Financial Markets to Social Unrest
By Philip Barrett; IMF
Mariia Bondar; Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Sophia Chen; International Monetary Fund
Deniz Igan; International Monetary Fund
   presented by: Mariia Bondar, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Session 23: Fiscal Policy I
September 2, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 7
Session Chair: Ignacio Campomanes, Navarra Center for International Development
Session type: contributed

1. Fiscal Policy under Secular Stagnation: An Optimal Pump-Priming Strategy
By Jean-Baptiste Michau; Ecole Polytechnique, France
   presented by: Jean-Baptiste Michau, Ecole Polytechnique, France

2. Sovereign Default and Labor Market Dynamics
By Siming Liu; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Hewei Shen; University of Oklahoma
   presented by: Siming Liu, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

3. (Non-)Keynesian Effects of Fiscal Austerity: New Evidence from a Large Sample
By António Afonso; ISEG-ULisboa
   presented by: António Afonso, ISEG-ULisboa

4. The Political Economy of Inequality, Mobility and Redistribution
By Ignacio Campomanes; Navarra Center for International Development
   presented by: Ignacio Campomanes, Navarra Center for International Development
Session 24: Firm Dynamics
September 2, 2021 12:00 to 13:50
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Yumei Yao, University of Glasgow
Session type: contributed

1. Could Intra-Firm Misalignment Explain Price-Setting Patterns?
By Victor Monteiro; INSPER
   presented by: Victor Monteiro, INSPER

2. Control costs, rational inattention, and retail price dynamics
By James Costain; Bank of Spain
Anton Nakov; ECB and CEPR
   presented by: Anton Nakov, ECB and CEPR

3. Bank shocks, private equity, and firm performance
By Paul Lavery; Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
Marina Spaliara; University of Glasgow
Serafeim Tsoukas; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Paul Lavery, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

4. Debt Structure and Costs under Industry Competition and Economic Conditions
By Yumei Yao; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Yumei Yao, University of Glasgow
Session 25: Fiscal Policy II
September 2, 2021 12:00 to 13:50
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Vania Esady, Bank of England
Session type: contributed

1. Fiscal policy, international spillovers, and endogenous productivity
By Mathias Klein; Sveriges Riksbank
   presented by: Mathias Klein, Sveriges Riksbank

2. Public Debt and state-dependent Effects of Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area
By Snezana Eminidou; University of Cyprus
Martin Geiger; University of Innsbruck
Marios Zachariadis; University of Cyprus
   presented by: Marios Zachariadis, University of Cyprus

3. How Does the Effectiveness of Fiscal Deficit Stimulus Depend on the Expected Speed of Fiscal Retrenchment?
By Neil Rankin; University of York
   presented by: Neil Rankin, University of York

4. Reconciling the Effects of Government Spending: The Role of Information Frictions
By Vania Esady; Bank of England
   presented by: Vania Esady, Bank of England
Session 26: Forward Guidance and Targeting
September 2, 2021 12:00 to 13:50
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Ahmed Pirzada, Bristol University
Session type: contributed

1. Target Inflation and Forward Guidance
By Michael Dobrew; Deutsche Bundesbank
   presented by: Michael Dobrew, Deutsche Bundesbank

2. Forward guidance and the exchange rate: a theoretical sign restricted VAR analysis
By Fabrice Anicet Dabiré; Université de Sherbrooke
   presented by: Fabrice Anicet Dabiré, Université de Sherbrooke

3. Evaluating effectiveness of price level targeting in the presence of increasing uncertainty
By Engin Kara; University of Cardiff
Ahmed Pirzada; Bristol University
   presented by: Ahmed Pirzada, Bristol University
Session 27: Government Policy
September 2, 2021 12:00 to 13:50
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Etienne Farvaque, University of Lille
Session type: contributed

1. A general theory of tax-smoothing
By Anastasios Karantounias; University of Surrey
   presented by: Anastasios Karantounias, University of Surrey

2. The impact of income tax changes on government revenue: moving beyond the Laffer curve
By Richard McManus; Caterbury Christ Church University
Gulcin Ozkan; King's College London
Dawid Trzeciakiewicz; Loughborough University
   presented by: Dawid Trzeciakiewicz, Loughborough University

3. Government Spending Multipliers and Private Debt Overhang: New Evidence
By Alessandro Franconi; LUISS
   presented by: Alessandro Franconi, LUISS

4. Government Unemployment Insurance for All? The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Social Preferences Evolution
By Etienne Farvaque; University of Lille
   presented by: Etienne Farvaque, University of Lille
Session 28: Housing
September 2, 2021 12:00 to 13:50
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Melisso Boschi, Senate of the Republic of Italy
Session type: contributed

1. Housing market cycles, productivity growth, and household debt
By Dmitry Brizhatyuk; Moody's Analytics
   presented by: Dmitry Brizhatyuk, Moody's Analytics

2. Sentimental Housing Markets
By Kostas Vasilopoulos; Lancaster University
   presented by: Kostas Vasilopoulos, Lancaster University

3. Heterogeneous effects of unconventional monetary policy on bond yields across the euro area
By Ishak Demir; University of Lincoln
   presented by: Ishak Demir, University of Lincoln

4. The effect of property taxes on house prices: Evidence from the 1993 and the 2012 tax reforms in Italy
By Melisso Boschi; Senate of the Republic of Italy
   presented by: Melisso Boschi, Senate of the Republic of Italy
Session 29: Uncertainty, Anxiety and Expectations
September 2, 2021 12:00 to 13:50
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Xiaoxia Ye, University of Liverpool
Session type: contributed

1. Anxiety, Expectations Stabilization and Intertemporal Markets: Theory, Evidence and Policy
By Francesco Carbonero; Turin
Jeremy Davies; East Village
Ekkehard Ernst; ILO
Sayantan Ghosal; Glasgow University
Leaza McSorely; University of Sunderland
   presented by: Sayantan Ghosal, Glasgow University

2. Solving linear rational expectations models in the presence of structural change
By Michael Hatcher; University of Southampton
   presented by: Michael Hatcher, University of Southampton

3. Uncertainty, sentiments and time-varying risk premia
By Michele Berardi; University of Manchester
   presented by: Michele Berardi, University of Manchester

4. Informational Friction, Economic Uncertainty, and CDS-Bond Basis
By Charlie X. Cai; University of Liverpool
Xiaoxia Ye; University of Liverpool
Ran Zhao; Claremont Graduate University
   presented by: Xiaoxia Ye, University of Liverpool
Session 30: Keynote Lecture II: Jordi Gali "The New Keynesian Perspective on Economic Fluctuations"
September 2, 2021 14:00 to 15:00
Location: Plenary Room
Session Chair: Chryssi Giannitsarou, University of Cambridge
Session type: invited
Session 31: Special Session: Informational Frictions in DSGE Models
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Paul Levine, University of Surrey
Session type: invited

1. The Use and Mis-Use of SVARs for Validating DSGE Models with Imperfect Information
By Paul Levine; University of Surrey
Joseph Pearlman; City University London
Alessio Volpicella; University of Surrey
Bo Yang; Swansea University
   presented by: Bo Yang, Swansea University
   Discussant:   luca gambetti, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

2. A Rational Theory of Limited Attention
By Alexandre Kohlhas; Institute for International Economic Studies
   presented by: Alexandre Kohlhas, Institute for International Economic Studies
   Discussant:   Anastasios Karantounias, University of Surrey

3. Sectoral Media Focus and Aggregate Fluctuations
By Ryan Chahrour; Boston College
Kristoffer Nimark; Cornell University
Stefan Pitschner; Uppsala University and Stockholm School
   presented by: Kristoffer Nimark, Cornell University
   Discussant:   Stephen Wright, Birkbeck College, University of London
Session 32: Crypto-currency and Monetary Policy
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Maria Shchepeleva, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Session type: contributed

1. The Cryptocurrency Uncertainty Index
By Brain Lucey; Trinity College Dublin
Samuel Vigne; Trinity College Dublin
Larisa Yarovaya; University of Southampton
Yizhi Wang; Trinity College Dublin
   presented by: Yizhi Wang, Trinity College Dublin

2. Crypto Bubbles: Timing is Everything
By Antonio Doblas-Madrid; Michigan State University
   presented by: Antonio Doblas-Madrid, Michigan State University

3. Cross-sectional Capitalization Dynamics of the Cryptocurrency Market: A Markov Chain Analysis
By Antonis Ballis; Athens University of Economics and Business
Konstantinos Drakos; Athens University of Economics and Business
   presented by: Antonis Ballis, Athens University of Economics and Business

4. Does One Size Fit All? Comparing the Determinants of the FinTech Market Segments Expansion
By Maria Shchepeleva; National Research University Higher School of Economics
Mikhail Stolbov; Moscow State Institute of International Relations
   presented by: Maria Shchepeleva, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Session 33: Exports, Trade and Investment
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Humberto Martinez, Rutgers University
Session type: contributed

1. Sequential Exporting across Countries and Products
By Facundo Albornoz; University of Nottingham
Hector Calvo-Pardo; University of Southampton
Gregory Corcos; Ecole polytechnique
Emanuel Ornelas; Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV
   presented by: Hector Calvo-Pardo, University of Southampton

2. Variable Trade Costs and the Dynamics of International Trade
By Michael Nower; University of Durham
   presented by: Michael Nower, University of Durham

3. Striking While the Iron Is Cold: Fragility after a Surge of Lumpy Investments
By Hanbaek Lee; University of Pennsylvania
   presented by: Hanbaek Lee, University of Pennsylvania

4. Foreign Reserves, Fiscal Capacity and Lender of Last Resort
By Humberto Martinez; Rutgers University
   presented by: Humberto Martinez, Rutgers University
Session 34: Fiscal Policy III
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Alaïs Martin-Baillon, SciencesPo
Session type: contributed

1. Monetary-fiscal interaction and the liquidity of government debt
By Cristiano Cantore; Bank of England
Edoardo Leonardi; London School of Economics
   presented by: Edoardo Leonardi, London School of Economics

2. Fiscal policy shocks and international spillovers
By Ayobami Ilori; University of East Anglia
Juan Paez-Farrell; University of Sheffield
Christoph Thoenissen; University of Sheffield
   presented by: Christoph Thoenissen, University of Sheffield

3. Financial Frictions and Fiscal Multipliers
By Alok Kumar; University of Victoria
   presented by: Alok Kumar, University of Victoria

4. Optimal Fiscal Policy with Heterogeneous Firms and Aggregate Shock
By Alaïs Martin-Baillon; SciencesPo
   presented by: Alaïs Martin-Baillon, SciencesPo
Session 35: Interest Rates
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Elizaveta Lukmanova, Université catholique de Louvain
Session type: contributed

1. The effects of shocks to interest-rate expectations in the euro area: estimates at the country level
By Martin Mandler; Deutsche Bundesbank
Michael Scharnagl; Deutsche Bundesbank
   presented by: Martin Mandler, Deutsche Bundesbank

2. Patience Breeds Interest: The Rise of Societal Patience and the Fall of the Risk-free Interest Rate
By Radek Stefanski; University of St Andrews
Alex Trew; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Alex Trew, University of Glasgow

3. The Natural Rate of Interest Through a Hall of Mirrors
By Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul; BIS
Fabian Winkler; Federal Reserve Board
   presented by: Fabian Winkler, Federal Reserve Board

4. New evidence on monetary transmission: interest rate versus inflation target shocks
By Elizaveta Lukmanova; Université catholique de Louvain
   presented by: Elizaveta Lukmanova, Université catholique de Louvain
Session 36: Managing Risk
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Karlye Dilts Stedman, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Session type: contributed

1. Macro-financial imbalances and cyclical systemic risk dynamics: improving the real-time properties of the financial cycle
By Sofia Velasco; Central Bank of Ireland and Queen Mary University
   presented by: Sofia Velasco, Central Bank of Ireland and Queen Mary University

2. Factor Strengths, Pricing Errors, and Estimation of Risk Premia
By Hashem Pesaran; University of Cambridge
Ron Smith; Birkbeck, University of London
   presented by: Ron Smith, Birkbeck, University of London

3. Tail Risk and Expectations
By Yeow Hwee Chua; National University of Singapore
Zu Yao Hong; University of Maryland, College Park
   presented by: Zu Yao Hong, University of Maryland, College Park

4. Capital Flows in Risky Times: Risk-on/Risk-off and Emerging Market Tail Risk
By Anusha Chari; University of North Carolina at Chapel H
Karlye Dilts Stedman; Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Christian T. Lundblad; The University of North Carolina at Chap
   presented by: Karlye Dilts Stedman, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Session 37: Monetary Policy III
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 7
Session Chair: Kasper Joergensen, Federal Reserve Board
Session type: contributed

1. Monetary Policy Announcements, Information Schocks, and Exchange Rate Dynamics
By Daniel Gründler; University of Innsbruck
Eric Mayer; University of Würzburg
Johann Scharler; University of Innsbruck
   presented by: Daniel Gründler, University of Innsbruck

2. What goes around comes around: How large are spillbacks from US monetary policy?
By Max Breitenlechner; University of Innsbruck
Georgios Georgiadis; European Central Bank
Ben Schumann; Free University of Berlin
   presented by: Max Breitenlechner, University of Innsbruck

3. Heterogeneous Beliefs and FOMC Announcements
By Chao Ying; University of Minnesota
   presented by: Chao Ying, University of Minnesota

4. Bond Risk Premiums at the Zero Lower Bound
By Kasper Joergensen; Federal Reserve Board
   presented by: Kasper Joergensen, Federal Reserve Board
Session 38: Wealth and Labour Market Inequalities
September 2, 2021 15:10 to 17:00
Location: Parallel room 8
Session Chair: Inês Xavier, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Session type: contributed

1. The Portfolio Choice Channel of Wealth Inequality
By Mauricio Calani; Central Bank of Chile
Lucas Rosso; Universidad de Chile
   presented by: Mauricio Calani, Central Bank of Chile

2. Has the Global Financial Crisis Increased Wealth Inequality?
By Maria Shchepeleva; National Research University Higher School of Economics
Mikhail Stolbov; Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Laurent WEILL; University of Strasbourg
   presented by: Mikhail Stolbov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

3. Unconventional Monetary Policy and Household Credit Inequality
By Ying Xu
   presented by: Ying Xu, Graduate Institute, Geneva (IHEID)

4. Wealth Inequality in the US: the Role of Heterogeneous Returns
By Inês Xavier; Universitat Pompeu Fabra
   presented by: Inês Xavier, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Session 39: Charles Goodhart Keynote Lecture III: Linda Goldberg "Volatile International Capital Flows"
September 2, 2021 17:10 to 18:10
Location: Plenary Room
Session Chair: Gulcin Ozkan, King's College London
Session type: invited
Session 40: Covid-19 II
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Michele Loberto, Banca d'Italia
Session type: contributed

1. The Impact of Covid-19 on Productivity
By Paul Mizen; University of Nottingham
   presented by: Paul Mizen, University of Nottingham

2. Skill Loss during Unemployment and the Scarring Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Paul Jackson; National University of Singapore
Victor Ortego-Marti; University of California Riverside
   presented by: Victor Ortego-Marti, University of California Riverside

3. The New Fiscal Normal: Vaccinations, Debt and Fiscal Adjustment in Emerging Economies
By Oscar Valencia; Inter-American Development Bank
   presented by: Oscar Valencia, Inter-American Development Bank

4. Living on my own: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on housing preferences
By Elisa Guglielminetti; Bank of Italy
Michele Loberto; Banca d'Italia
Giordano Zevi; Banca d'Italia
Roberta Zizza; Banca d'Italia
   presented by: Michele Loberto, Banca d'Italia
Session 41: Economic Modelling I
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Lingjie Ma, UIC
Session type: contributed

1. The US post-war economic dynamics and intrinsic inflation persistence: a regime-switching perspective
By Elton Beqiraj; Sapienza Univesity of Rome
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo; Sapienza Univesity of Rome
   presented by: Elton Beqiraj, Sapienza Univesity of Rome

2. Real effects of imperfect bank-firm matching
By Luisa Farinha; Bank of Portugal
Sotirios Kokas; University of Essex
Enrico Sette; Bank of Italy
Serafeim Tsoukas; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Serafeim Tsoukas, University of Glasgow

3. North and South: A Regional Model of the UK
By Yue Gai; Cardiff University
David Meenagh; Cardiff University
Patrick Minford; Cardiff University and CEPR
   presented by: Yue Gai, Cardiff University

4. Forecasting the Price of Crude Oil
By Lingjie Ma; UIC
   presented by: Lingjie Ma, UIC
Session 42: Financial Markets III
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Simon Price, Essex Business School
Session type: contributed

1. Assessing the Sectoral Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Evidence from the 2015 Swiss Franc Appreciation
By Andreas Brunhart; Liechtenstein Institute
Martin Geiger; University of Innsbruck
   presented by: Martin Geiger, University of Innsbruck

2. Do Speculators Exacerbate Managerial Myopia? Evidence from Margin Traders in China
By Jun Chen; UC San Diego
   presented by: Jun Chen, UC San Diego

3. Extensions to IVX Methods of Inference for Return Predictability
By Matei Demetrescu; University of Kiel
Iliyan Georgiev; University of Bologna
Paulo Rodrigues; Bank of Portugal
Robert Taylor; University of Essex
   presented by: Robert Taylor, University of Essex

4. Stock returns predictability with unstable predictors
By Fabio Calonaci; Queen Mary University of London
George Kapetanios; King's College London
Simon Price; Essex Business School
   presented by: Simon Price, Essex Business School
Session 43: Financial Markets IV
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Steve Pak Yeung Wu, UBC/UC San Diego
Session type: contributed

1. The long-run impact of sovereign yields on corporate yields in emerging markets
By Delong Li; University of Guelph
Nicolas Magud; International Monetary Fund
Alejandro Werner; IMF
   presented by: Delong Li, University of Guelph

2. Financial Stability with Fire Sale Externalities
By Ryuichiro Izumi; Wesleyan University
Yang Li; Nankai University
   presented by: Ryuichiro Izumi, Wesleyan University

3. Liquidity Coinsurance in Syndicated Loan Markets
By Vladimir Yankov; Federal Reserve Board
Filip Zikes; Federal Reserve Board
   presented by: Vladimir Yankov, Federal Reserve Board

4. Corporate Balance Sheets and Sovereign Risk Premia
By Steve Pak Yeung Wu; UBC/UC San Diego
   presented by: Steve Pak Yeung Wu, UBC/UC San Diego
Session 44: FOMC, Announcements and Monetary Policy
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Constantin Bürgi, University College Dublin
Session type: contributed

1. Credit Risk and the Transmission of Interest Rate Shocks
By Dino Palazzo
Ram Yamarthy; Office of Financial Research
   presented by: Ram Yamarthy, Office of Financial Research

2. Disagreement inside the FOMC: New Insights from Tone Analysis
By Hamza Bennani; Université Paris Nanterre
Davide Romelli; Trinity College Dublin
   presented by: Davide Romelli, Trinity College Dublin

3. The Pre-FOMC Announcement Drift and Private Information: Kyle Meets Macro-Finance
By Chao Ying; University of Minnesota
   presented by: Chao Ying, University of Minnesota

4. Monetary Policy, Funding Cost, Banks' Risk-Taking: Evidence from the United States
By Constantin Bürgi; University College Dublin
Bo Jiang; George Washington University
   presented by: Constantin Bürgi, University College Dublin
Session 45: Labour Markets
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Nasim Sabah, Framingham State University
Session type: contributed

1. Wealth and Hours
By Vytautas Valaitis; Duke University
Domenico Ferraro; Arizona State University
   presented by: Vytautas Valaitis, Duke University

2. Cyclicality, Asymmetry, and Heterogeneity of the User Cost of Labor: New Evidence from Japan
By Tomohide Mineyama; International Monetary Fund
   presented by: Tomohide Mineyama, International Monetary Fund

3. Home Production with Time to Consume
By William Bednar; Tepper School of Business
Nick Pretnar; University of California, Santa Barbara
   presented by: Nick Pretnar, University of California, Santa Barbara

4. Labor Matching and Equity Prices
By Nasim Sabah; Framingham State University
   presented by: Nasim Sabah, Framingham State University
Session 46: Income Inequality
September 2, 2021 18:20 to 20:10
Location: Parallel room 7
Session Chair: Lucy Minford, Swansea University
Session type: contributed

1. Income inequality and social values: a long-term relationship
By Neil Kellard; University of Essex
Yousef Makhlouf; Nottingham Trent University
Dmitri Vinogradov; University of Glasgow
   presented by: Yousef Makhlouf, Nottingham Trent University

2. Quantitative Easing and Inequality
By Donggyu Lee; Federal Reserve Bank of New York
   presented by: Donggyu Lee, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

3. Income Inequality, Financial Intermediation, and Small Firms
By Sebastian Doerr; Bank for International Settlements
Thomas Drechsel; University of Maryland
Donggyu Lee; Federal Reserve Bank of New York
   presented by: Thomas Drechsel, University of Maryland

4. Redistribution, inequality and growth across China's regions
By Xiaoliang Yang; Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Lucy Minford; Swansea University
David Meenagh; Cardiff University
Kent Matthews; Cardiff Business School
   presented by: Lucy Minford, Swansea University
Session 47: Economic Modelling II
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Paulo Santos Monteiro, University of York
Session type: contributed

1. The economic consequences of putting a price on carbon
By Diego Känzig; London Business School
   presented by: Diego Känzig, London Business School

2. Optimal Monetary Policy Mix at the Zero Lower Bound
By Dario Bonciani; Bank of England
Joonseok Oh; Freie Universität Berlin
   presented by: Joonseok Oh, Freie Universität Berlin

3. Firm Heterogeneity and the Transmission of Credit Policy
By Konrad Kuhmann; Humboldt University Berlin
   presented by: Konrad Kuhmann, Humboldt University Berlin

4. Risky Gravity
By Luciana Juvenal; International Monetary Fund
Paulo Santos Monteiro; University of York
   presented by: Paulo Santos Monteiro, University of York
Session 48: European Central Bank
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Bernd Hayo, Philipps-University Marburg
Session type: contributed

1. Political Voice on Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Parliamentary Hearings of the European Central Bank
By Federico Maria Ferrara; London School of Economics and Political Science
Donato Masciandaro; Università Bocconi
Manuela Moschella; Scuola Normale Superiore
Davide Romelli; Trinity College Dublin
   presented by: Davide Romelli, Trinity College Dublin

2. Who Talks During Monetary Policy Quiet Periods, and Why? Evidence from the European Central Bank's Governing Council
By Kilian Rieder; Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Eurosystem) & CEPR
   presented by: Kilian Rieder, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Eurosystem) & CEPR

3. Financial Markets and Dissent in the ECB's Governing Council
By Peter Tillmann; Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
   presented by: Peter Tillmann, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

4. Complexity of ECB Communication and Financial Market Trading
By Bernd Hayo; Philipps-University Marburg
   presented by: Bernd Hayo, Philipps-University Marburg
Session 49: Inflation Expectations
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Juan Angel Garcia, European Central Bank
Session type: contributed

1. Inflation Expectations, Interest Rates, and Consumption Behavior
By Ricardo Nunes; University of Surrey
Donghyun Park; University of Surrey
   presented by: Donghyun Park, University of Surrey

2. Underreaction in Expectations After Large Depreciations
By Manuel Mosquera-Tarrio; CEMLA & University of Manchester
   presented by: Manuel Mosquera-Tarrio, CEMLA & University of Manchester

3. De-Anchored Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy
By Johannes Fischer; European University Institute
   presented by: Johannes Fischer, European University Institute

4. What can trend inflation tell us about long-term inflation expectations?
By Juan Angel Garcia; European Central Bank
   presented by: Juan Angel Garcia, European Central Bank
Session 50: Macro-prudential Policy
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Lingsi Wei, University of Bath
Session type: contributed

1. Reversal Interest Rate and Macroprudential Policy
By Matthieu Darracq Pariès; European Central Bank
Christoffer Kok; European Central Bank
Matthias Rottner; Deutsche Bundesbank
   presented by: Matthias Rottner, Deutsche Bundesbank

2. Macroprudential Policy in the Euro Area
By Álvaro Fernández-Gallardo Romero; Universidad de Alicante
Ivan Paya; Universidad Alicante
   presented by: Álvaro Fernández-Gallardo Romero, Universidad de Alicante

3. Banking Across Borders: Are Chinese banks different?
By Catherine Koch; Bank for International Settlements
   presented by: Catherine Koch, Bank for International Settlements

4. Financial Innovation, Macro-prudential Policies and Leverage Cycles
By Lingsi Wei; University of Bath
   presented by: Lingsi Wei, University of Bath
Session 51: Monetary Policy IV
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Lukas Altermatt, University of Essex
Session type: contributed

1. Option-implied expectations and the (non) neutrality of money
By Anastasios Megaritis
   presented by: Anastasios Megaritis,

2. Who Gets Jobs Matters: Monetary Policy and the Labour Market
By Uros Herman; GSEFM, Goethe University Frankfurt
   presented by: Uros Herman, GSEFM, Goethe University Frankfurt

3. Federal Reserve Communication and the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Jonathan Benchimol; Bank of Israel
Sophia Kazinnik; Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Yossi Saadon; Bank of Israel
   presented by: Jonathan Benchimol, Bank of Israel

4. Oligopoly Banking, Risky Investment, and Monetary Policy
By Lukas Altermatt; University of Essex
ZIJIAN WANG; University of Western Ontario
   presented by: Lukas Altermatt, University of Essex
Session 52: Optimal Monetary Policy
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Laura Gáti,
Session type: contributed

1. Optimal Robust Monetary Policy with Parameters and Output Gap Uncertainty
By Adriana Grasso; Banca d'Italia (Bank of Italy)
Guido Traficante; Università Europea di Roma and CASMEF
   presented by: Guido Traficante, Università Europea di Roma and CASMEF

2. A Toolkit for Computing Constrained Optimal Policy Projections (COPPs)
By Oliver de Groot; University of Liverpool Management School
Falk Mazelis; European Central Bank
Roberto Motto; European Central Bank
Annukka Ristiniemi; European Central Bank
   presented by: Oliver de Groot, University of Liverpool Management School

3. Persistence-Dependent Optimal Policy Rules
By Jean-Bernard Chatelain; University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne
Kirsten Ralf; ESCE Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Exterieur
   presented by: Jean-Bernard Chatelain, University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne

4. Monetary Policy & Anchored Expectations. An Endogenous Gain Learning Model
By Laura Gáti
   presented by: Laura Gáti,
Session 53: Regulation
September 3, 2021 10:00 to 11:50
Location: Parallel room 7
Session Chair: Ivy Sabuga, City University of London
Session type: contributed

1. Does regulation only bite the less profitable? Evidence from the too-big-to-fail reforms
By Tirupam Goel; Bank for International Settlements
Ulf Lewrick; Bank for International Settlements
Aakriti Mathur; Bank of England
   presented by: Aakriti Mathur, Bank of England

2. Speculative and Precautionary Demand for Liquidity in Competitive Banking Markets
By Diemo Dietrich; Newcastle University
Thomas Gehrig; University of Vienna
   presented by: Diemo Dietrich, Newcastle University

3. Bank capital structure and regulation: Overcoming and embracing adverse selection
By Sonny Biswas; University of Bristol
Kostas Koufopoulos; University of York
   presented by: Kostas Koufopoulos, University of York

4. Dynamics of the Output Floor: A Model-Based Assessment
By Jonathan Acosta-Smith; Bank of England
Marzio Bassanin; Bank of England
Ivy Sabuga; City University of London
   presented by: Ivy Sabuga, City University of London
Session 54: Keynote Lecture IV: Marcel Fratzscher: "Prospects for the economic recovery from the pandemic and implications for macroeconomics and social policies"
September 3, 2021 13:00 to 14:00
Location: Plenary Room
Session Chair: Charles Brendon, University of Cambridge
Session type: invited
Session 55: Allocation, Misallocation II
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 1
Session Chair: Isabelle Roland, University of Cambridge
Session type: contributed

1. Learning and the Anatomy of the Profitability Premium
By Chi-Yang Tsou; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
   presented by: Chi-Yang Tsou, University of Manchester

2. The Good, the Bad, and the not-so Ugly of Credit Booms: Capital Allocation and Financial Constraints
By Matías Braun
Francisco Marcet; University of Chile
Claudio Raddatz; Universidad de Chile
   presented by: Matías Braun,

3. Exuberant and Uninformed: How Financial Markets (Mis-)Allocate Capital during Booms
By Ilja Kantorovitch; Universitat Pompeu Fabra
   presented by: Ilja Kantorovitch, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

4. The Aggregate Consequences of Forbearance Lending: Evidence from Japan
By Isabelle Roland; University of Cambridge
   presented by: Isabelle Roland, University of Cambridge
Session 56: Business Cycles, Shocks and Bubbles II
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 2
Session Chair: Omar Licandro, University of Nottingham
Session type: contributed

1. Did the Great Influenza of 1918-1920 Trigger A Reversal of the First Era of Globalization?
By Pierre Siklos; Wilfrid Laurier University
   presented by: Pierre Siklos, Wilfrid Laurier University

2. Reducing Strategic Default in a Financial Crisis
By Sumit Agarwal; NUS
Vyacheslav Mikhed; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Barry Scholnick; Univ. of Alberta
Man Zhang; University of Sydney
   presented by: Barry Scholnick, Univ. of Alberta

3. A Disaster Always Rings Twice: Early life experiences and central bankers’ reactions to natural disasters
By Maqsood Aslam; LEM-University of Lille
Etienne Farvaque; University of Lille
   presented by: Etienne Farvaque, University of Lille

4. Switching-track after the Great Recession
By francesca vinci; ECB
Omar Licandro; University of Nottingham
   presented by: Omar Licandro, University of Nottingham
Session 57: Global Dynamics
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 3
Session Chair: Bada Han, Bank of Korea
Session type: contributed

1. A New Channel for Global Volatility Propagation
By Shuning Chen; Tianjin University
Jianxin Wang; University of Technology Sydney
   presented by: Jianxin Wang, University of Technology Sydney

2. Barriers to Global Capital Allocation
By Bruno Pellegrino; University of Maryland
Enrico Spolaore; Tufts University
Romain Wacziarg; UCLA
   presented by: Bruno Pellegrino, University of Maryland

3. International transmission of interest rates: the role of international reserves and sovereign debt
By António Afonso; ISEG-ULisboa
Florence Huart; LEM (CNRS), University of Lille
João Jalles
Piotr Stanek; Cracow University of Economics
   presented by: Piotr Stanek, Cracow University of Economics

4. Transmission of Global Financial Shocks: Which Capital Flows Matter?
By Bada Han; Bank of Korea
   presented by: Bada Han, Bank of Korea
Session 58: Bank Lending
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 4
Session Chair: Lorena Keller, University of Pennsylvania
Session type: contributed

1. Banking on Experience
By Hans Degryse; KU Leuven and CEPR
Sotirios Kokas; University of Essex
Raoul Minetti; Michigan State University
   presented by: Sotirios Kokas, University of Essex

2. Banking Industry Dynamics and Size-Dependent Capital Regulation
By Tirupam Goel; Bank for International Settlements
   presented by: Tirupam Goel, Bank for International Settlements

3. On the Macroeconomic Effects of Shadow Banking Development
By Georgios Magkonis; University of Portsmouth
Eun Young Oh; University of Portsmouth
Shuonan Zhang; The University of Portsmouth
   presented by: Shuonan Zhang, The University of Portsmouth

4. Arbitraging Covered Interest Rate Parity Deviations and Bank Lending
By Lorena Keller; University of Pennsylvania
   presented by: Lorena Keller, University of Pennsylvania
Session 59: Business Cycles, Shocks and Bubbles III
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 5
Session Chair: Alistair Macaulay, University of Oxford
Session type: contributed

1. Price, sales, and the business cycle: microeconomic evidence
By Fernando Borraz; Banco Central del Uruguay and Universidad de la Republica
Giacomo Livan; University College London
Pablo Picardo; Banco Central del Uruguay
Anahi Rodriguez; CEMLA
   presented by: Anahi Rodriguez, CEMLA

2. Credit Allocation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
By Karsten Müller; Princeton University
Emil Verner; MIT
   presented by: Karsten Müller, Princeton University

3. Aggregate Fluctuations from Clustered Micro Shocks
By Daisoon Kim; North Carolina State University
   presented by: Daisoon Kim, North Carolina State University

4. Cyclical Attention to Saving
By Alistair Macaulay; University of Oxford
   presented by: Alistair Macaulay, University of Oxford
Session 60: Climate Change and Monetary Policy
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 6
Session Chair: Josselin Roman, Paris-Dauphine University
Session type: contributed

1. We Are All in the Same Boat: Cross-Border Spillovers of Climate Risk Through International Trade and Supply Chain
By Xiaochen Feng; International Monetary Fund
Haishi Li; University of Chicago
   presented by: Haishi Li, University of Chicago

2. Rare disasters, the natural interest rate and monetary policy
By Alessandro Cantelmo; Banca d'Italia
   presented by: Alessandro Cantelmo, Banca d'Italia

3. Climate Change Regulatory Risks and Bank Lending
By Eleonora Sfrappini; Halle Institute for Economic Research
Isabella Mueller; Halle Institute for Economic Research
   presented by: Eleonora Sfrappini, Halle Institute for Economic Research

4. Policy Interaction and the Transition to Clean Technology
By Ghassane Benmir; London School of Economics
Josselin Roman; Paris-Dauphine University
   presented by: Josselin Roman, Paris-Dauphine University
Session 61: Inflation Targeting
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 7
Session Chair: Oliver Pfäuti, University of Mannheim
Session type: contributed

1. Would German Households Understand Average Inflation Targeting?
By Mathias Hoffmann; Deutsche Bundesbank
Emanuel Moench; Deutsche Bundesbank
Lora Pavlova; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Guido Schultefrankenfeld; Deutsche Bundesbank
   presented by: Guido Schultefrankenfeld, Deutsche Bundesbank

2. Economic performance under different monetary policy frameworks
By Peter Macmillan; Uni of St Andrews
David Cobham; Heriot-Watt University
Mengdi Song; NYU Abu Dhabi
   presented by: Peter Macmillan, Uni of St Andrews

3. Just Do IT? An Assessment of Inflation Targeting in a Global Comparative Case Study
By Roberto Duncan; Ohio University
Enrique Martinez-Garcia; Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Patricia Toledo; Ohio University
   presented by: Roberto Duncan, Ohio University

4. Inflation - who cares? Monetary Policy in Times of Low Attention
By Oliver Pfäuti; University of Mannheim
   presented by: Oliver Pfäuti, University of Mannheim
Session 62: Uncertainty Shocks
September 3, 2021 14:10 to 16:00
Location: Parallel room 8
Session Chair: Niraj Koirala, Texas Tech University
Session type: contributed

1. Uncertainty Shocks, Financial Frictions and Business Cycle Asymmetries Across Countries
By Pratiti Chatterjee; University of New South Wales
   presented by: Pratiti Chatterjee, University of New South Wales

2. Financial Shocks, Uncertainty Shocks, and Monetary Policy Trade-Offs
By Marco Brianti; Boston College
   presented by: Marco Brianti, Boston College

3. Uncertainty Shocks, Capital Flows, and International Risk Spillovers
By Ozge Akinci; Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan; University of Maryland
Albert Queralto
   presented by: Albert Queralto,

4. Uncertainty Shocks in a Model with Alternative Specifications of Financial Frictions
By Niraj Koirala; Texas Tech University
   presented by: Niraj Koirala, Texas Tech University
Session 63: Harry Johnson Keynote Lecture V: Olivier Blanchard "Fiscal Policy Under Low Rates"
September 3, 2021 16:10 to 17:10
Location: Plenary room
Session Chair: Giancarlo Corsetti, University of Cambridge
Session type: invited

63 sessions, 223 papers, and 0 presentations with no associated papers
Index of Participants

Legend: C=chair, P=Presenter, D=Discussant
#ParticipantRoles in Conference
1Afonso, AntónioP23
2Albuquerque, BrunoP18
3Alfarhoud, AbdulP22
4Alfaro, LauraD3
5Altermatt, LukasP51, C51
6Anzoategui, DiegoP15
7Arslan, YavuzP7
8Ballis, AntonisP32
9Bürgi, ConstantinP44, C44
10Benchimol, JonathanP51
11Beqiraj, EltonP41
12Berardi, MicheleP29
13Binner, JaneP20, C20
14Biswas, SonnyP19
15Bondar, MariiaP22, C22
16Boschi, MelissoP28, C28
17Bostanci, GorkemP9
18Boualam, YasserP18
19Braun, MatíasP55
20Breitenlechner, MaxP37
21Brendon, CharlesC54
22Brianti, MarcoP62
23Brizhatyuk, DmitryP28
24Cai, CharlieP8
25Calani, MauricioP38
26Calvo-Pardo, HectorP33
27Campomanes, IgnacioP23, C23
28Cantelmo, AlessandroP60
29Cantore, CristianoP5, C5
30Chatelain, Jean-BernardP52
31Chatterjee, PratitiP62
32Chen, JunP42
33Chiarotti, EdoardoP22
34Citci, SadettinP21, C21
35Corsetti, GiancarloC63
36Dabiré, Fabrice AnicetP26
37Dardati, EvangelinaP6, C6
38David, JoelP6
39de Groot, OliverP52
40Demir, IshakP28
41Di Pace, FedericoP5
42Dietrich, DiemoP53
43Dilts Stedman, KarlyeP36, C36
44Doblas-Madrid, AntonioP32
45Dobrew, MichaelP26
46Dogan, AydanP3
47Drechsel, ThomasP46
48Duncan, RobertoP61
49Duque Gabriel, RicardoP5
50Esady, VaniaP25, C25
51Farvaque, EtienneP27, C27, P56
52Fatouh, MahmoudP18
53Fernández-Gallardo Romero, ÁlvaroP50
54Firat, MelihP10
55Fischer, JohannesP49
56Franconi, AlessandroP27
57Gai, YueP41
58Galichere, ArthurP10
59gambetti, lucaD31
60Gamboa-Estrada, FredyP8
61Garcia, Juan AngelP49, C49
62Garratt, AnthonyP21
63Gáti, LauraP52, C52
64Geiger, MartinP42
65Ghosal, SayantanP29
66Giannitsarou, ChryssiC30
67Giansante, SimoneP4
68Goel, TirupamP58
69Gopalakrishna, GouthamP11
70Gründler, DanielP37
71Gupta, ArunP4
72Haas, AlexanderP12
73Han, BadaP57, C57
74Hatcher, MichaelP29
75Hayo, BerndP48, C48
76Herman, UrosP51
77Hong, Zu YaoP36
78Hong, SeokkiP21
79Horst, MaximilianP16
80Izumi, RyuichiroP43
81Joergensen, KasperP37, C37
82Kala, TomasP19, C19
83Kaminska, IrynaP12
84Kantorovitch, IljaP55
85Karantounias, AnastasiosP27, D31
86Karbe, SusanneP9
87Känzig, DiegoP47
88König, TobiasP19
89Keller, LorenaP58, C58
90Kim, DuhyeongP14
91Kim, DaisoonP59
92Klein, MathiasP25
93Kobielarz, MichalP20
94Koch, CatherineP50
95Koetter, MichaelP20
96Kohler, WilhelmP20
97Kohlhas, AlexandreP31
98Koirala, NirajP62, C62
99Kokas, SotiriosP58
100Kollmann, RobertP10
101Kolokolova, OlgaP8, C8
102Kontonikas, AlexandrosP16
103Koufopoulos, KostasP53
104Kuhmann, KonradP47
105Kumar, AlokP34
106Lanteri, AndreaP6
107Lau, Marco Chi KeungP17
108Lavery, PaulP24
109Lee, EunkyungP12, C12
110Lee, DonggyuP46
111Lee, DoP9, C9
112Lee, HanbaekP33
113Leonardi, EdoardoP34
114Levine, PaulC31
115Li, HaishiP60
116Li, DelongP43
117Licandro, OmarP56, C56
118Lin, AlessandroP5
119Liu, SimingP23
120Lloyd, SimonP3
121Loberto, MicheleP40, C40
122Lozej, MatijaP15
123Lukmanova, ElizavetaP35, C35
124Ma, LingjieP41, C41
125Ma, ChangP19
126Macaulay, AlistairP59, C59
127Macmillan, PeterP61
128Makhlouf, YousefP46
129Mandler, MartinP35
130Manuel, EdP3
131Marbet, JoëlP13
132Marin, EmileP10, C10
133Martin-Baillon, AlaïsP34, C34
134Martinez, HumbertoP33, C33
135Mathur, AakritiP53
136Müller, KarstenP59
137Megaritis, AnastasiosP51
138Michau, Jean-BaptisteP23
139Mimir, YasinP13, C13
140Mineyama, TomohideP45
141Minford, LucyP46, C46
142Mizen, PaulC1, C2, P40
143Monteiro, VictorP24
144Morana, ClaudioP4
145Mosquera-Tarrio, ManuelP49
146Nakov, AntonP24
147Neamtu, IoanaP14, C14
148Nimark, KristofferP31
149Nirola, NupurP17
150Nower, MichaelP33
151Oh, JoonseokP47
152Okolo, MagdalynP4, C4
153Olson, EricP13
154Ortego-Marti, VictorP40
155Ozkan, GulcinC39
156Park, DonghyunP49
157Pellegrino, BrunoP57
158Penalver, AdrianP12
159Pfäuti, OliverP61, C61
160Piffer, MicheleP13
161Pirzada, AhmedP26, C26
162Pretnar, NickP45
163Price, SimonP42, C42
164Queralto, AlbertP62
165Rankin, NeilP25
166Rieder, KilianP48
167Rodriguez, AnahiP59
168Roettger, JoostP17
169Roland, IsabelleP55, C55
170Roman, JosselinP60, C60
171Romelli, DavideP44, P48
172Rottner, MatthiasP50
173Sabah, NasimP45, C45
174Sabuga, IvyP53, C53
175Santos Monteiro, PauloP47, C47
176Scholnick, BarryP56
177Schultefrankenfeld, GuidoP61
178Sfrappini, EleonoraP60
179Shchepeleva, MariaP32, C32
180Shen, JialuP11
181Shi, AruhanP22
182Shi, YuP11
183Shields, KalvinderP21
184Siklos, PierreP56
185Smith, RonP36
186Smith, PeterP8
187Spaliara, MarinaP18, C18
188Stanek, PiotrP57
189Stewen, IrynaP17, C17
190Stolbov, MikhailP38
191Su, DanP6
192Talbot, JamesC3
193Taylor, RobertP42
194Thoenissen, ChristophP34
195Tillmann, PeterP48
196Traficante, GuidoP52
197Trew, AlexP35
198Trzeciakiewicz, DawidP27
199Tsou, Chi-YangP55
200Tsoukas, SerafeimP41
201Valaitis, VytautasP45
202Valcarcel, VictorP16, C16
203Valencia, OscarP40
204Varadi, AlexandraP11, C11
205Vasilopoulos, KostasP28
206Velasco, SofiaP36
207Wang, TianxiP15, C15
208Wang, JianxinP57
209Wang, YizhiP32
210Wei, LingsiP50, C50
211Wicknig, FlorianP7
212Winkler, FabianP35
213Winterberg, HannahP14
214Wipf, ChristianP14
215Wright, StephenD31
216Wu, ZhitingP9
217Wu, Steve Pak YeungP43, C43
218Xavier, InêsP38, C38
219Xu, YingP38
220Yamarthy, RamP44
221Yang, BoP31
222Yankov, VladimirP43
223Yao, YumeiP24, C24
224Ye, XiaoxiaP29, C29
225Ying, ChaoP37, P44
226Yu, LijieP7, C7
227Zachariadis, MariosP25
228Zhang, ShuonanP58
229Zong, XiaoyuP7


This program was last updated on 2021-10-15 12:47:37 EDT