A 4-day course on Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Evaluation.
18th to 21st April 2023
This course is aimed at MSc, MRes and PhD students, early researchers, and research staff from central banks, ministries, and the private sector, all with some prior experience of macroeconomic modelling. Its contents differ from the CIMS summer school courses, which are usually held in September. The Easter school is focused on a shorter list of themes, some of which not commonly found in summer schools offered by most economics departments.
This year the CIMS Easter School will cover:
- Optimal fiscal policy and computational methods I- taught by R. Oikonomou
- Optimal fiscal policy and computational methods II- taught by V. Valaitis
- Inequality in incomplete markets - taught by K. Storesletten
- Topics in sovereign debt and default - taught by H. Joo, K. Shakhnov and T. Asonuma
More information can be found here.
Get to know about the University of Surrey’s Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies
School of Economics
University of Surrey
Guildford GU2 7XH