Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, NepalSeptember 12-13, 2024ICEFRT aims to bring together the global academic community in the picturesque setting of Kathmandu, Nepal. It is jointly organized by Cardiff Business School (CARBS), Cardiff University and the Open University Nepal. CARBS is a leading business school in the UK with a clear Public Value Mission: striving to make a positive impact in local communities and beyond. The conference hopes to contribute to the capacity building and facilitating networking for Nepali academics by providing the opportunity to share the latest research in economics, finance, management, and related disciplines. ICEFRT welcomes both the young and emerging as well as established academics and practicing economists to present their cutting-edge research, engage in academic discussions, network with peers, and collaborate on future research projects. The conference features keynote speeches, paper presentations, and poster sessions. It serves as an important forum for advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration. |